One Day Learning Meditation

One Day Learning (ODL) merupakan salah satu program utama dari Bali Usada. Sebuah kelas Onsite (Tatap Muka) selama 1 hari yang terdiri atas 5 sesi latihan dalam waktu 6 Jam. Dalam setiap sesinya akan terdiri dari 30 menit penjelasan teori mengenai Meditasi Kesehatan Bali Usada dan 30 menit latihan praktik bermeditasi.

In 5 sessions of theoretical explanations, Pak Merta / the Instructor will explain the basic techniques and philosophy regarding Bali Usada Health Meditation in an interesting way. After that, followed by Practice the Meditation technique guided by Pak Merta Ada’s Instructions.


All stages needed in meditation, from sitting position, posture, and step by step to do the right meditation will be explained gradually. The goal of ODL from ODL training is to get to know the technique of Bali Usada Health Meditation and try to practice it