
An integrative meditation practice that brings out the quality of a harmonious mind to heal ailments in the body, meridians, chakras, mental, mind, and memory



The sharp mind, that is directed at only one place or one existing condition; focused on the object of meditation being practiced or on the activity at hand.


The good mind, that is in the present moment, knows what is happening in the moment with clarity and calmness. A mind that is not swayed by neither pleasure, displeasure, aversion, or attachment.



The flexible mind, that is dealing with every condition that occurs in meditation and in life with resilience. See things changing as it is, so we are not easily fooled by any kind of phenomenons.



The gentle mind, that is peacefully facing various conditions that occurs. Both during meditation and in dealing with many life's problems.

Start Your Practice

If this is your first time learning health meditation, Bali Usada provide these favorite programs to teach you from the very beginning. You can choose based on your availability


Apa Kata Mereka
About Bali Usada

Stories and sharing from Meditation Friend of Bali Usada about their interesting experiences while participating in our program activities


Subscribe to get an E-book introduction of a health meditation as the first step to a happier life.


For more class in the next month, Meditation friends can call Bali Usada Office [click here] for more information.

  • Kelas Usada Tapa Brata 1 English Baturiti 17 – 23 November 2024 sudah Fully Booked
  • Kelas Usada Tapa Brata 1 Baturiti 1 – 7 Desember 2024 sudah Fully Booked
  • Kelas Usada Tapa Brata 1 Baturiti 15 – 21 Desember 2024 sudah Fully Booked
  • Kelas Usada Tapa Brata 1 Baturiti 05 – 11 Januari sudah Fully Booked


Pengumuman penting bagi seluruh SMBU yang rutin mengikuti latihan bersama menggunakan Mixlr dan Zoom. Mulai tanggal 1 Oktober 2023, seluruh program latihan bersama akan pindah platform hanya menggunakan Zoom.

Program tetap berlangsung sebanyak 2 kali sehari:
- Every morning at 05.00 AM (English)
- Every evening at 09.00 PM (bahasa Indonesia) *Jakarta Time Zone (GMT +7)

Program Live Streaming Mixlr dan Weekly Meditation Senin & Kamis akan ditiadakan. Sementara Live YouTube Pak Merta Ada dan Latihan Usada 2 tetap dilaksanakan.

Perubahan ini kami rancang agar latihan bersama kita menjadi lebih terpusat dan rutin di satu tempat.

Below is Zoom meeting ID that will be used continuously every day, morning and evening:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 344 566 7899
Passcode: baliusada

May All Beings Be Happy


Thank you for subscribing your E-mail as Sahabat Meditasi.
Get your first E-book here:

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