Testimonials Suster Grace
I am Grace from Charitas hospital in Palembang. Coincidentally, this hospital belongs to us, our congregation, and is known to be the first hospital that works together with Bali Usada. Our hospital is also known as the first hospital that develops integrative medicine which offers meditation to be one of the treatment programs in our hospital.

Why did I join Bali Usada? In 2008, I suffered a heart attack. At that time, I was still on duty in Irian, Papua, at a community hospital that was filled with many people from Freeport, and I helped to manage the hospital for 4 years. I suffered another period of heart attack in 2011. I underwent surgeries 2 times in 1 year. Even so, I did not get better.

Finally, I decided to use a pacemaker. My life was like a robot, because every 6 month, my life was programmed by those devices. In 2014, I underwent another operation in relation to the burning electrical system in my heart. At that time, the doctor said that there was only a little hope. I underwent an eight-hour operation, but at the 6th hour, there was not much hope left. The team of doctors who were operating on me almost gave up, but God had a different intention.

During all those times, I was dependent upon medicinal drugs. After I got to know Bali Usada, and learned meditation. According to my faith, my religion, and I consider myself to be a religious person, meditation was not something new because I am required to meditate on a daily basis. Only the focus is different. My meditation focuses on spirituality, whereas Bali Usada’s meditation concentrates on health.

At that time, the person who introduced me to Bali Usada was Bruder, who had attended Usada Tapa Brata 3 times. I did not believe that a disease could be cured by oneself. Many had told about such alternative treatment, but this was different. At that time, I was still unsure whether or not I would like to join. Coincidentally, in Palembang, there was an Usada Regular program, and each time I was involved in accompanying the hospital. I witnessed some patients who received the benefits. Coincidentally, there was one of my midwife subordinates who was suffering from lupus, and who, with diligent practice of meditation, got better and was cured. Furthermore, there were other patients whom I accompanied; one who suffered from prostate got cured; one who suffered from a coronary heart and always short on breath could also be saved through intensive therapies. From there, I was motivated to practice meditation intensively.

Usually at the end of each month or at the beginning of each year, my brain was busy with budgeting. The hospital submitted many proposals. Even though I am a nurse, my fellow subordinates would say that I terrified people when I became angry. Particularly when I had to face doctors who normally use logic in thinking. I also had similar experiences in management level for many years when I was placed in charged managing a branch of a bank, but the most difficult types of people to manage are doctors. Especially when I debated with a director, sometimes I felt burned out.

So, from there, I tried to join (Usada) Regular, and I accompanied many patients or other participants who practiced meditation in the Charitas hospital by working together with the team of Bali Usada in Palembang. In the end, I also would like to prove it when my heart felt very uncomfortable it felt like I was going to have another episode. There was once when I was still holding a meeting with directors from 9 to 11 o’clock, then half an hour later I was rushed to the emergency room. At that time, I was not aware of the rhythm of my heart. Even though I was already using a pacemaker, it was not functioning to its maximum level, and this happened often. Sometimes, I would be treated in the hospital today, and would lead another meeting the next day. God was the one who gave me the strength.

When I felt discomfort, experiencing shortness of breath, I tried meditation. Pak Merta taught me to put awareness in those painful parts of my body. When there is a pain, treat it as your buddy, and it will not be a burden. If my heart does not feel comfortable, I invite it to work together in order to get fit again. I have gained the benefits over the past one year, and I no longer rely on medicinal drugs. My heart doctor sometimes is very fussy by telling me not to overwork myself and not to be late in taking my medicines. I would reply that I am aware of the condition of my heart. I can take care of myself. By joining Bali Usada, I now have a new knowledge on how I ought to manage myself.

If we contemplate, it is true that 95% of people’s sickness comes from our own mind and psychological states. The real painful part only consists of a few percentages. In the hospital, those people who really are in pain are as a result of accidents. But for other conditions such as gastric pains, heart diseases, and migraines, they are mostly a factor of our psychology and mind. By joining Bali Usada, I at least felt the benefits for myself. My intention for my testimony is to give motivation to my patients. Going forward, I would like to further motivate myself and introduce to my fellow doctors that in this modern era, a disease can be treated 100% not only by medicinal drugs.

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