In truth I went straight to Tapa Brata (7 days, 6 nights) course from a party and spent the first two days listening to the constant chatter in my mind. Finally my mind started to quieten and the peaceful spaces in between thought prevailed.
This meditation teaches not only how to attain a harmonious mind but also how to use that to purify negative reactions in the body, on both a physical and mental level.
On day 4, in a 10-minute consultation with Pak Merta Ada, he identified a strong vibration in my left Fallopian tube area. This was of great concern for me as ten years previously I had experienced a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and had lost both the baby and the tube on my other side. He advised me to concentrate on that area of the body during meditation.
I meditated diligently for the rest of the course and experienced a life-changing event in that during a meditation I saw a mental image of my dead baby and had a realization that I was in fact carrying the grief within my good tube.
Through meditation I released this tension and by the end of the course I felt physically totally different and spiritually clear.
Since that course I met a fantastic partner and we became pregnant in lightening speed! (after two weeks of agreeing to try, which I’d say is a world record with one tube!).
Five months pregnant, I decided to do another Tapa Brata meditation course, in part to offer gratitude for my pregnancy and to offer my unborn child the experience of meditation.
My son Gb was born 19th April 2008 and is the most calm and happy baby ever. He shines out pure joy and I was lucky enough to place him in Pak Merta Ada’s arms recently.
I now meditate as part of my daily routine and find that life is unveiling itself in a positive way more and more each day. Thank you to Pak Merta Ada and his assistants for teaching me such a valuable life tool.
Sekarang saya bermeditasi sebagai rutinitas harian saya dan menemukan bahwa hidup saya menjadi semakin positif setiap hari. Terima kasih Pak Merta Ada dan Asisten-Asisten Bali Usada untuk mengajarkan saya metode yang sangat bermanfaat dalam hidup.
May all beings be happy!